Chamilo Changelog

This is our technical changelog, aimed at providing you a list of the new features, small changes and bug fixes as well as the security issues, style changes and known issues that remain present. This changelog is provided version by version, latest versions first and helps you locate when a specific feature has been made available in Chamilo. If you would like a shorter list of features or a list of overall features, please check our website:

Note: most #wxyz references are issue numbers you can find in our public bug tracking system. Some references marked BT#xyz are developments made externally for BeezNest customers and integrated into Chamilo. The details of these tasks cannot be seen for confidentiality reasons, but the code change is public and can be reviewed by anyone.


Chamilo - Sipán, 19th of March, 2015

Release notes - summary

Chamilo is a patch (minor) version of the 1.9.x branch, with bugfixes and a few new minor features, but more importantly fixes for vulnerabilities discovered in 1.9.10 and previous versions (as such, you can just overwrite previous files to upgrade from 1.9.8, or to

See our Security page for more information.

Release name

Sipán is a small city on the Peruvian Coast where the remains of the Lord of Sipán (a ruler of the 3rd century AC) were discovered in 1987. It held many well-conserved offerings. We believe this version of Chamilo, containing additional fixes on top of an excellent 1.9.10 version, has its fair share of common points with Sipán.

Security fixes

Improvements (minor features) and debug

Chamilo 1.9.10 - Huánuco, 25th of January, 2015

Release notes - summary

Chamilo 1.9.10 is a new minor version of the 1.9.x branch, with many bugfixes and a few interesting new features (as such, you can just overwrite previous files to upgrade from 1.9.8, or to 1.9.10).

Release name

Huánuco is a small city in the Peruvian Andes, Northeast of Lima. This is a special version in memory of our cherished development team member César Perales, who passed away on July 22nd, 2014, at age 27. César contributed mostly "in the shadow" to Chamilo LMS, allowing the rest of the team to contribute more actively. He was a vibrant young man. He will be missed. César lived in calle Huánuco, in La Molina, Lima, Peru, where other team members bid him their last farewell for his last, eternal trip.
To this image, this version marks a change of behaviour from the Chamilo team, maturing into another plane of existence. This year, Chamilo LMS got used in more contexts than ever before, with a growth that is superior to any other open source LMS out there. It has become a more reliable and versatile platform, that will serve its purpose, helping making education better and more widely available, better than ever before.

Security fixes

All security issues are published and patches are attached on our security issues page. If you think you found an additional security issue you'd like to report, please check our procedure there.

Possibly breaking changes

Two changes have been made to the forum tool code, which might make some of your forums disappear and require a direct database intervention.
First case: If you use forums with sessions and have placed a session forum inside a base-course forum category, the forum category will now no longer appear in any session, and as such, the session forums contained in that category will disappear. You can easily fix that by checking the c_forum_forum table for any record with session_id != 0 that points to a forum category that has session_id == 0. This is related to issue #7264.
Second case: In very rare occasions, if you use group forums and have had issues with posts appearing twice, then this release will fix this bug, but might also make some forum posts disappear. Although we could not reproduce the error, you should be able to fix it by changing the group_id column inside the c_forum_thread table. This is related to issue #7267
This is an exceptional event in the history of Chamilo, and we believe it should only affect very few portals, but we prefer to take precautionnary measures and warn you upfront.

Notable new Features

Improvements (minor features) and debug

Stylesheets and theming

Web services


Chamilo - 21st of June, 2014

Release notes - summary

Chamilo is a very little patch version with one bugfix regarding the learning paths tool. Considering the fact that 1.9.8 is planned for the long term, we'd hate to have such a minor patch left on the side for a year or so. This will be packaged and promoted as 1.9.8, but the folder inside the 1.9.8 will be called, with a change to this changelog file and a one-line change to main/newscorm/learnpathItem.class.php (as such, you can update just this file to upgrade from to See the code change for detais.

Chamilo - 18th of June, 2014

Release notes - summary

Chamilo is a patch version with one security patch on top of 1.9.8 (in the included library for FCKeditor). Please check our security issues page for more information.

Chamilo 1.9.8 - Thon, 15th of June, 2014

Release notes - summary

Chamilo 1.9.8 is a minor stable version with a series of improvements on top of 1.9.6.
This version is the first Chamilo version to drop support for Internet Explorer 7. We insist that you recommend your users to use modern browsers that respect web standards. If they *cannot* avoid Internet Explorer, make sure they use at least version 10, which respects a little bit more than half of the W3C standards (but still much less than Firefox, Chrome, Opera or even Safari)

Release name

Thon is a small city in the Belgian region of Wallonia, several times classified as the most beautiful village of the South region of Belgium. It is a quite, beautiful place without anything out of the ordinary but made of beautiful, hundred years old homes built from famous Wallonia blue stone and crossed by the Samson river. Its stability and it's position just next to the large cliffs surrounding the Meuse are symbolically close to Chamilo 1.9.8, highly stable but a few steps away for the huge jump to the next major version.


All security issues are published and patches are attached on our security issues page. If you think you found an additional security issue you'd like to report, please check our procedure there.

New Features

Improvements (minor features)


Stylesheets and theming

Stylesheets have been considerably changed in version 1.9.8, which might require a little update on your side if you have a custom stylesheet. We're sorry about it, but it was really necessary to improve the adaptability of the interface for mobile devices (which we are sure you will appreciate). If you only changed the logo, we recommend you make a copy of an existing Chamilo style (main/css/chamilo*) again, rename it and simply replace the logo then upload the new style. If you have more complex styles, you might want to ask for the assistance of your web designer at the moment you update Chamilo to this version.

Web services


Chamilo - 22th of May, 2014

Release notes - summary

Chamilo is a patch version with security patches on top of 1.9.6. Please check our security issues page for more information.

Chamilo 1.9.6 - Rochefort, 4th of June, 2013

Release notes - summary

Chamilo 1.9.6 is a minor stable version with security patches and a series of improvements on top of 1.9.4.

Release name

Rochefort is a small city in the South of Belgium, that has existed at least since year 1041 and has shown impressive resilience and stability, which we think 1.9.6 has reached as well. Rochefort's Brewery produces a very nice trappist beer exported even to Peru! As we are getting ready for a larger battle, getting Chamilo LMS every day to a larger community, we thought we'd make a last quiet stop and salute the little town where several contributors of Chamilo have set foot in the past.


New Features



Stylesheets and theming

Web services

Chamilo 1.9.4 - Puebla, 18th of January, 2013

Release notes - summary

Chamilo 1.9.4 is a minor stable version with a series of improvements on top of 1.9.2.

Release name

Puebla is a large city very close to México D.F. and is considered an "extension" of the capital city in many ways. Puebla has very nice blend of precolombine and spaniard architecture. All in all, we felt like Puebla, in tremendous growth, was a close image to Chamilo 1.9 on its way to 1.10.

New Features



Third-Party Libraries additions/updates


Stylesheets and theming

Chamilo 1.9.2 - Hanga Roa, 27th of September, 2012

Release notes - summary

Chamilo 1.9.2 is a minor stable version with a series of improvements on top of 1.9.0.

Release name

Hanga Roa is the capital city of Rapa Nui, the Easter Island. The entire Rapa Nui culture is filled with mystery and assumptions about where and how the first Rapa Nui people came to be on the island, but it is accepted by many that the main strain came from Polynesia a long time ago. The population there is around 3,300 but warmly welcomes tons of tourists every year, a bit in the image of the small team of Chamilo now serving more than 1.4M users worldwide, with a welcoming 1.9.2 version that will help you get more time to yourself...

New Features



Chamilo 1.9.0 - Vogüé, 31st of July, 2012

Release notes - summary

Chamilo 1.9.0 is a major stable version with loads of added features.

Release name

Vogüé is a small town in the French region of Rhône-Alpes, and one of the most beautiful villages of France. It features a 12th century, a generally very pretty landscape and is one of the few remote towns in current growth. One of our new development team members chose this familiar town because it inspires stability and diversity.

New Features

This version of Chamilo includes a few new features.



Style changes

Due to the move to HTML5, it is very likely that any older stylesheet will have to be updated when upgrading to Chamilo 1.9.


Known issues

Third-Party Libraries additions/updates


Chamilo - Rottweil, 20th of July 2012

Release notes - summary

Chamilo is a minor security fix, stable version for version If you are using Chamilo, we highly recommend you upgrade to this version, either by following the usual upgrade procedure, or by applying a very small patch, as explained on our security issues listing page. The security fixes are all considered "moderate". This means you could loose data (specifically dropbox tool data in this case) and your users might get tricked into providing credentials to potential hackers, but the integrity of your server will not be in direct danger. was developed in a separate branch, but fixes were applied to the 1.9 branch, which means 1.9 can be considered as the follower of as much as of If you have, migrating to 1.9 will effectively remove the need for migrating to the intermediary step of

Why Rottweil?

Rottweil is a small medieval German town where the occasional tourist might feel very relaxed and secure. This feeling is increased by the obviously-difficult-to-attack strategical position. Considering the security-only aspect of this release, we wanted a small city name that would represent this more secure aspect. Rottweil has been visited by one of our team members in the past... that's all it takes.


Chamilo - La Molina, August 2011

Release notes - summary

Chamilo is a minor corrective stable version for version with a bunch of new minor features added.

New Features

This version of Chamilo only includes a few minor new features:



Known issues

Third-Party Libraries updates

Chamilo - Bellavista, May 2011

Release notes - summary

Chamilo is a minor corrective stable version for version 1.8.8 to enable easier install on shared hosting.

New Features



Known issues

Deprecated features

Deprecated files

CSS changes

Language changes

Chamilo 1.8.8 - Miraflores, May 2011

Release notes - summary

Chamilo 1.8.8 is a major stable version. Although it doesn't come with a strong redesign, it provides a large number of small improvements to the teacher's toolset and the user's using pleasure. Audio recording, schema drawing, certification generating, better administration features, plugin for videoconference with BigBlueButton and e-commerce with PrestaShop are only a few of the improvements that you will find in this version.

New Features



Known issues

Deprecated features

In order to maintain a sufficient level of stability and push innovation forward, we have decided to officially drop support for specific features. This doesn't mean that they won't work anymore, but it indicates that they will cease being improved slowly, until we do not feel anyone is using them, at which point (probably several years afterwards) we will remove them from the code.
If you feel like a feature listed here is of major importance to you, you can either take the maintenance of this feature officially in charge by contacting us at or you can hire the services of one of our official providers (see our website, Support tab).

Deprecated files

CSS changes

Chamilo - Palmas

New Features



Deprecated files

Chamilo 1.8.7 - Istanbul

Release notes - summary

Chamilo 1.8.7 is a major release including a lot of new features, mostly focused on social network, the handling of sessions (which will help many educational institutions, public or private, to manage their contents in a more flexible way) and visual style, and a few important bugfixes. It lays the first stable stone in the Chamilo software project. This version is the first one to highly recommend PHP 5.2 or superior, and require PHP 5.1 or higher.
Also, this version of Chamilo will automatically convert all your data to UTF-8, which will make it more difficult to migrate from Dokeos versions higher than

New Features


CSS changes

Known issues

Deprecated files


Chamilo Salto - January 2010

Release notes - summary

Chamilo is a intermediate release including a lot of new features, mostly focused on social network, the handling of sessions (which will help many educational institutions, public or private, to manage their contents in a more flexible way) and visual style, and a few important bugfixes. It lays the first stable stone in the Chamilo software project.

New Features


CSS changes

Known issues

Deprecated files

Dokeos - August 2009

Release notes - summary

Dokeos is a minor release including just a few new features, mostly focused on internationalization, and several bugfixes.

New Features


CSS changes

Known issues

Deprecated files

Dokeos 1.8.6 Svalbard - June 2009

Release notes - summary

Dokeos 1.8.6 Svalbard is a major release including new features. 

New Features


CSS changes

Important language changes

Known issues

Deprecated files

Dokeos 1.8.5 Valparaiso, June 2008

Release notes - summary

Dokeos 1.8.5 is a major debugging release but includes interesting new features as well. 

New Features


Known issues

Dokeos 1.8.4 - September 2007

Release notes - summary

Dokeos 1.8.4 is both a features and debuggingmajor release. 

New Features


Dokeos 1.8 - May 2007

Release notes - summary

Dokeos 1.8 is a major release. The software becomes a complete suite including not only a learning management system and a learners administration dashboard, but also an easy-to-use authoring system and a simple videoconferencing interface.

New Features

Dokeos 1.6.5 - July 2006

Release notes - summary

Security Release. 1 bug has been fixed. Click the link below to see the complete list of bugfixes

Dokeos 1.6.4 April 2006

Release notes - summary

Bugfix release. 2 bugs have been fixed. One security hole has been fixed
Click the link below to see the complete list of bugfixes

Dokeos 1.6.3 February 2006

Release notes - summary

Bugfix release. 44 bugs have been fixed. Click the link below to see the complete list of bugfixes

Dokeos 1.6.2 - September 2005

Release notes - summary

Bugfix release. 14 bugs have been fixed. Click the link below to see the complete list of bugfixes

Dokeos 1.6.1 - August 2005

Release notes - summary

Bugfix release. 31 bugs have been fixed. Click the link below to see the complete list of bugfixes

Dokeos 1.6 - July 2005

Release notes - summary

In Dokeos 1.6, security and interoperability have been improved. Protection
for documents has improved, and courses have more accessibility options.
Password encryption is enabled by default. The php.ini setting
"register globals" does not have be on anymore.

New Features


Dokeos 1.5.5

Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional Valid CSS